A high level review of the two pieces that work together: the code generation flow and the architectures for the templates
Example Projects
Show me the code! Example projects that highlight some of the power of code generation via tried and true architectural patterns. API. Web. Mobile.
CodeGenHero Nugets
The Nugets that go with our architectures. You can absolutely build your own!


CodeGenHero is a productivity extension for Visual Studio 2019.

In order to generate code of any kind, templates are required. Just like when you build a house, you start with a blueprint.

Over the years, we have developed a templated architecture that lends itself nicely to the SOLID principles, meets many common line-of-business requirements, and is easily generated. We use CodeGenHero in combination with our set of templates to generate code for our projects.

CodeGenHero can use ANY SET of templates and and/or combination of templates.

Example Projects

Show me the Code! If you are interested in the details of our templated architecture and the corresponsing Nuget Packages, look no further. Conference Mate is the most current public application, written for the 2019 Xamarin Developer's Summit in Houston, Texas. It contains a Restful API and Xamarin.Forms app using Shell Naviagtion.

CodeGenHero Nugets

Along with our templated architecture, we use a series of nuget packages.

Our templates, coupled with these Nugets, help us get a project running quickly, with battle-tested patterns.

Ready to learn more?
    Dive in to our full documentation