Create an Enterprise Architecture in Minutes

Leverage template patterns already created for APIs, Web and Mobile by our CodeGenHero team, or create your own.

When your requirements change, restructure your models or your database and regenerate your code in seconds, then review the results and merge the changes into your solution.

CodeGenHero Leaping

Shrink Project Schedules and Budgets

You will be amazed at how quickly the initial stages of a project are built out, and your project manager will be delighted!

One of the best side-effects of using code generation is the loss of hesitation for change. You will find that when a new requirement or a change of plan pops up during a project, instead of strategizing to reach a 'quick fix', you are able to more accurately fix the problem structurally, regrenerate the layers that require it and move on, quickly. The result is little or no code debt and a code base you can be proud of.

CodeGenHero Hero

Focus on Business Rules, Not Plumbing

Obviously, code generation doesn't fix everything, but it allows developers to concentrate on what matters to users:

  • The Business Rules
  • The User Interface (UI)
  • DevOps & Analytics
CodeGenHero Up up and away

Integrates with Visual Studio

CodeGenHero sits alongside your code, as a VS2019 Extension, so you can generate and incorporate your node code directly into your solution, in seconds.

CodeGenHero in VisualStudio 2019